Exhibitor Fees


Booth Size

Before 12/15/24
After April 25, 2025

10' x 10' Inline (bound by front aisle only)

$4,400 $4,620 $5,000

10' x 10' Corner (bound by a front & side aisle)

$5,225 $5,495 $6,045

10' x 20' Inline (bound by front aisle only) 

$8,800 $9,240 $10,000

10' x 20' Corner (bound by a front & side aisle)

$9,625 $10,115 $11,045

10' x 20' Double Corner

$10,450 $10,990 $12,090

10' x 20' Island

$11,500 $12,000 $13,000

20' x 20' Island

$20,900 $21,980 $24,180

20' x 30' Island

$29,700 $31,220 $34,180

20' x 40' Island

$38,500 $40,460 $44,180

30' x 30' Island

$42,900 $45,080 $49,180

10' x 10' Inline (Non-Profit*)

$2,250 $2,500 $2,750

Startup/New Company Kiosks

$3,500 $3,750 $4,000


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Non-Profit Organizations*

The non-profit rate for one 10’ x 10’ inline booth is available to 501(c)3 organizations that are also one of the following: family or patient advocacy group; membership or volunteer organization; university; school; college; or government agency. W-9 form required. Not eligible for first-come, first-served booth assignment. Quantity is limited to one 10’ x 10’ space per qualifying organization. To qualify for first-come, first-served booth assignment process, non-profit organizations may exhibit at the for-profit rate. Contact AMP Show Management (exhibits@amp.org) for more information.

Booth Space Configuration

All booth space configurations are 10’ x 10’ or multiples thereof. A combination of inline and corner booths may be secured to create an inline booth size larger than 10’ x 10’ (limited number available). Island booths or spaces other than those noted on the expo floor plan must be approved by AMP Show Management and Fire Marshall Regulations; and the Exhibitor Fee will include the full cost of any booths deleted to create such an island. Please reference the Rules & Regulations for complete guidelines on booth construction.

Space Assignment – Reserving Your Booth*

Applications for exhibit space at the AMP meeting are received online using our online Expo Portal. Booth spaces are approved solely at the discretion of AMP – after which payment is due in full. Exhibitors must agree to the Rules & Regulations to complete the contract. To reserve your space please visit our online Expo Portal to review the floorplan and secure your booth space today!

* Note – AMP is not responsible for assignment of booth spaces and the booth location of competing companies


Year-Round Benefits

AMP will provide exhibitors with year-round exposure through various marketing channels, including website visibility, newsletter highlights and social media push.


  • 8’ high drape & 3’ high side rails (inline booths only)
  • One (1) booth sign, listing company name & booth number (Inline booths only)


Exhibitors receive six (6) badges per 10’ x 10’ booth space. Additional Exhibitor Booth Staff badges will be available online and onsite for a fee of $50.00 each online from the Expo Harvester. Additional badges are non-refundable. Exhibitor badges must be worn at all times and allow access to the Expo Hall only. Exhibitors wishing to attend scientific sessions must register for the event at the full scientific registration rate. Please note that exhibitor badges are non-transferable.

Guest of Exhibitor Badges

Each exhibitor is entitled to six (6) Guest of Exhibitor badges; the badges will be available for pick up at the registration desk, by a designated company representative. Guest of Exhibitor badges allow for access to the Expo Hall, only. Exhibitors are responsible for coordinating all logistics with their guest(s). Guests are not allowed into the Expo Hall during designated break/lunch times for Registered Meeting Attendees.

Program/Website/Mobile App Listing

Exhibitors may provide a 60-word (max.) company or product description to be included in the Expo Guide as part of the Meeting Materials provided to attendees. The opportunity to advertise your products and services is complimentary and is available only to AMP’s exhibitors. Please check the sponsorship items for additional add-ons and other opportunities.

Pre-registered Media List

AMP encourages all exhibitors to take advantage of the venue to announce and promote new products, publications, collaborations, or significant milestones. Approximately two weeks before the meeting, the list of pre-registered media contacts will be made available to exhibitors upon request so that they can set up their own private in-person briefing. Exhibitors can meet with reporters and leave press materials in the designated News Room.

Loyalty Rewards Program

We reward AMP exhibitors for their loyalty and participation at previous AMP shows. By exhibiting and purchasing sponsorship opportunities at AMP events, exhibitors earn loyalty credits that are used when selecting a booth space for the following year’s meeting and other sponsorship opportunities.

Exhibitor Lounge

Access to the Exhibitor Lounge, featuring complimentary refreshment breaks. Available during Expo Hall hours.

Meeting Exhibitor Logo

The official Annual Meeting exhibitor logo to use for your advertising in print, online and social media.